September 24, 2008

Mushroom Gathering/キノコ採り

Yesterday, my son and I went mushroom gathering in a mountain.

Hanaiguchi (Suillus grevillei)
ハナイグチ(Suillus grevillei)

Honey mushrooms
Here in the Uonuma region of Niigata prefecture, they are usually called amandare.

Angel wing mushrooms
Here in the Uonuma region of Niigata preferecture, they are usually called kataha.
They used to be liked by the locals, but not now, because they are now regarded as poisonous.
No one has yet identified the reason why the edible mushroom has suddenly become poisonous.

On returning home, my son and I cleaned the edible mushrooms, mostly honey and hanaiguchi, in water, and put them in buckets of dense salt water to get rid of any worms that might be in them.

Mushrooms that my son was unable to identify. By consulting a book, he managed to identify some of them.


tiks said...

Do you have a recipe for hiyashi wakame salad? Also, aside from tempura, what can I use enoki mushrooms for?

Thanks in advance.

Hiroyuki said...

Thanks for your commetns, tiks.
I just combine wakame, boiled enoki, surimi (i.e., fake crab meat) or canned tuna, corn, finely cut cucumber, and sesame seeds together, and pour some ponzu or a 1:1:0.5 mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame seed oil.
Enoki are good in salad, sunomono (vinegared dishes), miso soup (often together with diced tofu), takikomi gohan (rice cooked with other ingredients), and any other dish that calls for mushrooms.

tiks said...

Thanks for the reply. I extensively googled the web for the wakame salad but could not find anything that seemed to be good...will definitely try this out. Thanks again.