I made simple frozen yogurt, using the simmered apricots. The ingredients are simple: Plain yogurt and simmered apricots. I usually don't add any fresh cream. アンズの砂糖煮で簡単なフローズンヨーグルトを作りました。材料は単純です。プレーンヨーグルトと、煮たアンズ。普通、私は生クリームは入れません。 About two hours later, I took one out of the freezer and had it although it wasn't completely frozen. It tasted very good! 約2時間後、冷凍庫から一つ取り出し、完全に凍っていませんでしたが、食べました。とても美味しかったです!
Perfect treat for a hot summer day! I know some parts of Japan can be VERY hot this time of year.
In Japan, we are still in tsuyu (rainy season), but as you say, it can sometimes be very, very hot and HUMID!
Yes, I remember! Not only is it hot, but VERY humid and sticky. Especially when the typhoons come around.
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