June 10, 2013

Sakekasu (Sake Lees)/酒粕

Just wanted to share some photos of sakekasu.
I bought a bag of 1 kg sakekasu for 420 yen weeks ago, and kept it in the fridge. I initially planned to use it immediately to make sakadane for making bread.
The sakekasu is from Aoki Shuzo, the local sake brewery here in the Shiozawa area of Minami Uonuma city that is famous for their Kakurei and other brands.
数週間前、酒粕を一袋(1 kg、420円)を買い、冷蔵庫にしまいました。当初はパンを作るための酒種を作るためにすぐ使おうと思っていました。
Yesterday, I decided to cut it into smaller pieces and store most of them in the freezer for later use (until I feel up for the challenge).
Cross section:
I cut it into squares each measuring 30-50 g in weight.
重さ30~50 gの四角に切りました。
The problem is when I will feel up for the challenge.


Fräulein Trude said...

In Germany we us lee from beer breweries. All in all not that different to Sake lee from sake breweries. And it really looks the same!
Lee is yeast. For 500 g flour I use 25 g fresh beer yeast.

Hiroyuki said...

Kiki: 500 g flour and 25 g beer yeast to make bread?

I'm thinking of making of "fake" sakadane bread, using sakekasu and baking powder...

Sissi said...

I think I have seen some recipes (in my new countryside cookery book) with sake lees pickles. I cannot buy them here anyway but the pickles sounded interesting.

Hiroyuki said...

Sissi: Unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of kasuzuke (foods pickled in sake lees). But I DO like the subtle flavor of sake kasu in... for example, bread. That's why I want to make komeko bread with sake kasu.

Nippon Nin said...

いわしの梅煮おいしそうです。アジアンマーケットでいわしを見つけるのは結構難しいですので、作れるかしらが心配ですけど、梅煮のアイデアはいいと思います。お肉か何かで試してみようかな? このサイトは、MissyのWith a Glass からやってきした。

Hiroyuki said...

Nippon Nin: 夏は、さっぱりした料理を食べたくなりますよね。肉でも美味しくできると思いますよ。南蛮漬けにしても美味しいかも。

Ditis said...

How nice to find Sakekasu in your blog! A couple of weeks ago had an amazing pizza in Matsue (Shimane pref.) which had Sakekasu instead of mozzarella. It was AWESOME. Would love to get my hands onto some, but, being back in Switzerland, I'm afraid I won't.

Would love to see you try the pizza, though!

Hiroyuki said...

Ditis: Thanks for your comment. But Sakekasu instead of mozzarella??? Hmm....., OK, I will try that some day. I still have some sake kasu in the fridge.