For supper tonight, I made yakisoba. I like to add a lot of vegetables, and this time, I added moyashi (bean sprouts), carrots, and cabbage. For meat, I used pork. And, I like to put a lot of pickled red ginger (beni shoga) and ao nori (a type of seaweed) on top of it before eating.
I really, really hate the type of yakisoba sold at food stalls, which seemingly contains only a few strips of cabbage!
Is there broth or soup with this? That is how is it always presented in the US. Yours looks delicious!
Oh, yes, we had komatsuna miso soup, and we also had some leftovers.
But there doesn't appear to be soup in the bowl - did you pour it over after taking photo, or is the soup served separately?
The miso soup was served separately. I don't know of any yakisoba dish where you are supposed to pour soup. Maybe you are talking about a different dish?
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