Yesterday, I found packs of kanpachi (or kampachi) "ara" (trimmings) sold for 380 yen each at the supermarket I frequent, and I just had to buy one. I first thought that I would simply sprinkle with salt and grill, because I like grilled kanpachi kama so much, but then I changed my mind. I thought it might be a good idea to make kanpachi daikon the way I like it. As usual, I searched for recipes that sounded good, and I decided to use the water, soy sauce, and mirin ratio of 8:1:1 this time.
I'm not sure how to call kanpachi (or kampachi) in English. Wikipedia lists four:
Purplish amberjack
Greater yellowtail
Anyway, buri, kanpachi, and hiramasa are very similar to one another in appearance and flavor.
Kanpachi Daikon
1 pack kanpachi ara
1/2 daikon
1 knob ginger, sliced
(I acutally used 2, because I like ginger.)
800 ml water
(First I put 800 ml water, but added another 100 ml later to cover the ara.)
100 ml sake
100 ml mirin
100 ml soy sauce
Purplish amberjack
Greater yellowtail
ショウガ ひとかけ
水800 ml
(最初に水を800 ml入れましたが、後でアラがかぶるようもう100 ml足しました。)
日本酒100 ml
味醂100 ml
醤油100 ml soy sauce
1. Peel daikon and cut into 2-cm rounds.
I used a peeler.
1. 大根は皮をむいて、2 cmの輪切りにします。
If you want to be authentic, peel thickly, using an usuba or nakiri, to remove the hard outer skin, cut in thick (about 3-cm)slices, and chamfer the edges on both sides of each slice.
ちゃんとやりたければ、薄刃や菜切りを使って、皮を厚くむき、厚い(3 cmくらい)輪切りにして、それぞれの輪切りの両面の角を面取りします。
2. Cut kanpachi ara in large pieces, using a deba.
2. カンパチのアラを出刃を使って大きく切り分けます。
3. Boil some water in a pot, put the ara in it, and remove immediately.
3. 鍋でお湯を沸かせ、アラを入れ、すぐに取り出します。
4. Remove blood.
4. 血合いをとります。
5. First put daikon in a pot and then ara. Add sake and water to cover and ginger slices. Bring to a boil.
5. まずは鍋に大根を、次にアラを入れます。日本酒と水をかぶるだけ入れ、ショウガも入れます。沸騰させます。
6. Add mirin, and put a drop lid (otoshi buta). If you don't have one, substitute a sheet of aluminum foil or paper towel.
6. 味醂を入れ、落し蓋を乗せます。持っていなければ、アルミホイルやキッチンペーパーを使います。
7. Put on the lid and simmer for 5 min. Then, add soy sauce. Simmer for another 15 min.
7. 蓋をして、5分煮ます。醤油を入れます。さらに15分煮ます。
By the way, I used cooking sake, not drinking sake.
Note that cooking sake usually contains some salt to avoid liquor tax. Mine contains 2.1% salt.
Almost done!
Note that the paper towel remained intact.
Drop lid removed:
Looks delicious! (Gross?)
Top with yuzu zest, if you can.
Edited to add: I forgot to mention that I also made a cross cut on both sides of each daikon slice so that it could be seasoned more quickly.
Also, if you want to be authentic, parboil daikon in "kome no togijiru" (milky water resulting from washing uncooked rice) for 5 min. to 1 hour, depending on the recipe, for aku nuki (harshness removal) before simmering with ara.
As you may have already noticed, the final water + sake, soy sauce, and mirin ratio was 10:1:1 (900 ml water + 100 ml sake, 100 ml soy sauce, and 100 ml mirin), not 8:1:1.
すでに気付いているかも知れませんが、最終的な水+酒、醤油、みりんの割合は8:1:1ではなく10:1:1(水900 ml + 酒100 ml、醤油100 ml、みりん100 ml)になりました。
Hiroyuki, one of my favorite Japanese restaurants serves buri daikon in the winter, and I just love it, so I'd like to give your recipe a try. How did you like your dish using the 8:1:1 ratio?
Amy: The 8:1:1 ratio works fine with many all nimono (simmered dishes), and buri daikon is no exception. If you think it's too light for you, just continue to simmer, with additional soy sauce and mirin/sugar, if necessary, until the daikon turns "ame iro" (light brown), like these:
Good luck, and happy cooking!
For some reason, the URL doen't work for me.
Try a google image search with
あめ色 ぶり大根
and you will get ameiro buri daikon images.
Great! Thanks for the tips, Hiroyuki!
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