November 15, 2008

My Oden/私のおでん

Today, I went shopping, and bought two ingredients for oden: Chikuwa-bu (bottom) and iwashi tsumire (top).
Chikuwa-bu is a tubular product made of flour, and iwashi tsumire is a patty made of sardine (and other types of fish).

Now, my humble oden looks more like regular oden (laugh).

My family had the oden for supper tonight.
Edited to add: To learn about oden (and chikuwa-bu in particular), you may want to view this Kuitan eposode (from 1:20 and after). Kuitan! It's hard not to love him!
追記: おでん(特にちくわぶ)について知りたいなら、喰いタンのこのエピソードを見ると楽しいですよ(1:20以降)。喰いタン!愛さずにはいられない!

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