November 9, 2024

Fuji Royal Coffee Grinder R-440/フジローヤルのコーヒーミルR-440(アールヨンヨンマル)

I still use a Fuji Royal coffee grinder R-440. I used to have five of them, but I sold three, and the ones remaining are the first one I bought (an older model) and a newer gold-colored model. The older model is stored in the drying room. I usually use the newer model.
私はまだFuji RoyalのコーヒーミルR-440を使っています。以前は5台持っていたのですが、3台は売却し、残っているのは最初に買ったもの(古いモデル)と、金色の新しいモデルです。古いモデルは乾燥室にしまってあります。通常は新しいモデルのほうを使っています。

I place the coffee grinder inside a cardboard box to prevent coffee grounds from making a mess in the room while grinding.

Today, I took the grinder out of the cardboard box to take a full picture of it and did the grinding.
After grinding, I gave the grinder an overhaul. Every time I look at it, I can't help but think it's a thing of beauty!
挽いた後は、ミルをオーバーホールしました。見るたびに、a thing of beautyと思わざるを得ません!


Yubun said...

Is the coffee ground getting everywhere because of static electricity? I usually mist my beans before I grind so the ground doesn't get everywhere.

Hiroyuki said...

Thanks for your comment. Well, some coffee grounds adhere to the outlet and the inside of the glass bottle, but probably because this grinder is made of cast iron, they don't cause much trouble.

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