July 29, 2009

Our First Watermelon This Summer/今年の夏初めてのスイカ

Our first watermelon this summer has been a moderate success. It is a little less sweet than commercially available watermelons, but it is good enough for us.

What are some of your favorite fruits? I like all kinds of fruit, but if I had to name only one, it would be nectarines. Whenever I spot them at the supermarket, I'm tempted to buy them because they are only available around this time of year. This has already been the fourth pack this year.


Nancy Heller said...

Favorite fruits? Bananas for sure. Strawberries and blueberries - but only in season. Peaches, in season. Cantaloupe and Honeydew melons.

Watermelon is delicious cooked on a BBQ grill - try it!

Hiroyuki said...

Nancy Heller: Grapes, kaki (persimmons), nashi (Japanese pears),... the list goes on and on!

Mama said...

That is a beautiful watermelon! I love watermelon, too. I love almost all fruits, actually. Peaches, nectarines, cherries, pears, lychees, mangos, etc. I love fruit!

Hiroyuki said...

pink: As for pears, I very much prefer Japanese pears! My only complaint is that fruits are relatively expensive in Japan although they may be more beautiful to look at and sweeter than in other countries/areas.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fruit eater. If I had to name one fruit I like, it would be mango.

Hiroyuki said...

Katrin: Thanks for answering my question.

I like mangoes, too, but they are rather expensive in Japan. Domestic ones can cost up to 5,000 yen (not 500 yen)!