July 2, 2011

Some More Details about Ham Katsu/ハムカツについてもう少し

This site (Japanese only) is quite hilarious. It discusses what types of ham and sausage make good ham katsu.

This person actually made and had these ham katsu, and concluded that the ham should be of moderate thickness and need not be of high-grade.

Another example of rosu (roast) ham:
This is a product of Lohmeyer Corporation, founded in 1921 by August Lohmeiyer.

By the way, today, I bought two tonkatsu to share with my family for supper tonight.
I, for one, like these tonkatsu very much, but my son says he prefers home-made tonkatsu. Well, I simply don't want to make tonkatsu on a hot day!


Sissi said...

Hiroyuki, I want so much to have tonkatsu today. I think I'll make it. Your previous and this post make me think I could use the smoked loin (only smoked, but still raw) to make "smoked loin katsu". Next time I buy it I'll try making it.

Hiroyuki said...

Sissi: If your smoked pork loin is expensive, then I wouldn't recommend making katsu with it. As I suggested in the post, the ham in ham katsu need not be, and should not be, of high-grade, and it should be thin enough (about 2 mm and 5 mm at the most).
It's the combination of cheap ham, coating, and sauce that makes ham katsu tasty.

Sissi said...

Hiroyuki, the smoked pork loin is not expensive, well maybe more than bacon... I substitute bacon with it whenever I can (not because of health, but because I try not to get fat ;-) )

fred said...

Finally, I've done ham katsu this morning.
To be honest, I'm using thin sliced ham, and I can't feel the taste of ham at all. Thick sliced ham would be the best for it!!

Hiroyuki said...

fred: I think you made ham katsu right!! Enjoy the combination of thin ham, coating, and sauce!!

Anonymous said...

ロースハムの訳はPork Loin Hamですよ

Hiroyuki said...

rosu (roast) hamのことでしょうか?
ロースハム=roast hamと書いたつもりはないのですが...。