April 30, 2021

Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 21/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート21

Two days ago, my daughter sent me these photos:


Curry and rice:


Roll cabbage (cabbage rolls):
Yesterday, she sent me these, along with their prices:

Chinese donburi, 400 yen:

中華丼 400

Tantan noodles, 390 yen:

担々麺 390

Char siu (roast pork) noodles, 390 yen:

チャーシュー麺 390

She says that at her university, the school canteen is now open for eating but the students must sit on every other seat, so there are not enough seats. She ate the curry and rice while sitting on an outdoor seat. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the chopsticks, spoons, and so on have been replaced by disposable ones and the students can no longer spinckle dressing, pepper, or shichimi togarashi by themselves.



Yubun said...

Hope you and your family are doing well!

I'm always amazed at what the schools in Japan serves for the students! They look super delicious and healthy as well.

Hiroyuki said...

Yubun, thank you for your comment!
You are probably one of the few loyal readers of my blog, which is almost dormant!

I'd like to post about coffee brewing and ume picking in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I see in the past you process a lot of ume. Are you able to consume them all? I usually get some dried ume and some umeshu once or twice a year when I head to the Japanese Supermarket here.

Can't wait for your update on the coffee brewing!

Yubun said...

That's my post above. Somehow my name didn't go through.

Hiroyuki said...

consume them all? Yes, yes, of course, and I can't get enough of them! I need them to make ume syrup, which my wife and children still love, and umeboshi, which is a preserved food loved by almost all Japanese.

Actually, I'm thinking of planting another ume tree to get more ume.

Dina said...

Everything looks so good!! Oishii!
Regards from Buenos Aires city in Argentina! and looking forward to your next posts!!

ishita-boss said...

I go to many places in the world in search of delicious food but I loved that food more until I saw your post I saw your post and I tasted the food you made so, I want to say that my best Good experience now I can taste your post better now I don't need to go around for taste. Clothing
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muskratbyte said...

This looks so delicious, and so much better than our school meals.

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MC said...

Hi Hiroyuki,

I know that your blog is currently dormant and visitors probably don't visit as often, but we do visit from time to time to check if you have posted new posts!

I hope that you are well and energetic in this new year, 2024!

We hope to find posts by you about coffee and ume at some point in time.

Lastly, if I can do so, I am grateful... I would like to suggest a future topic, that of pie/pastry. This is because it is something special, for an occasion. Are there any special occassion Japanese pies or pastry?

Em Cat said...

Hi Hiroyuki,
I hope you and your family are doing well. I have enjoyed your blog through the years, and still have it bookmarked in case of an update!


Calvin Fuller said...

Much appreciate you sharing this

Hiroyuki said...

Thank you everyone for your comment. Blogs are now a thing of the past, but anyway, I will see what I can do with my blog.